Your Last Chance to Register for Arts Summit 2015! — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Your Last Chance to Register for Arts Summit 2015!

At Arts Summit 2015, June 18 and 19 at the Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Centre, we will close the circle on two years of province-wide conversations around the creation of a Cultural Policy Framework for British Columbia as part of our BC Creative Convergence initiative. We'll also be joined by a range of speakers, including cultural visionary Richard Evans. 

(L-R) Sarah Kim, Dawn Brennan, Karen Lamare, Judith Marcuse, Martha Rans, Kelly Hill

(L-R) Sarah Kim, Dawn Brennan, Karen Lamare, Judith Marcuse, Martha Rans, Kelly Hill

Day One

Day One will open with our annual “What We Have Learned” report-backs from a number of organizations and initiatives.

These will include an update from Sarah Kim of ArtStarts in Schools on the state of art in education, a report by Dawn Brennan of The Greater Vancouver Professional Theatre Alliance on this year’s Making A Scene Conference, and an update from Karen Lamare at Creative BC, as they look forward to their third year as an independent agency providing support for BC’s motion picture, interactive digital, music, and publishing sectors. Judith Marcuse will describe ongoing activities and initial results from a five-year research project which she is leading on art for social change in Canada. Martha Rans of Artists' Legal Outreach will speak about the recent changes to the Society Act, and Kelly Hill of Hill Strategies Research Inc. will outline a multi-faceted project he is currently undertaking to address research gaps in British Columbia’s arts and culture sector.

The afternoon of the first day will be devoted to sharing the outcomes of our BC Creative Convergence initiative, which we all began work on in 2013, and a presentation of the resulting report on a Cultural Policy Framework for British Columbia. This document will reflect ideas gathered at 19 Community Cultural Roundtables held throughout the province, survey responses, past Summits and other consultations.

Richard Evans

Richard Evans

Day Two

The second day of Arts Summit 2015 will be devoted to three sessions with cultural visionary Richard Evans, president of EmcArts, building on outstanding feedback on his keynote address at Arts Summit 2013 and his workshop at Where Next BC in 2014.

Richard’s research, program design, and facilitation places particular emphasis on innovation, adaptive organizational change, and effective ways that the arts and culture field can respond to the demands of a new era for the sector.

His studies on innovation and capacity building led to his design for the Innovation Lab for the Performing Arts. Fall 2011 saw the launch of a second national lab – the Innovation Lab for Museums. Richard also leads the design and implementation of the New Pathways for the Arts Initiative, a series of community-based innovation programs that is active in cities throughout North America. Richard is a frequent speaker on the relationship between cultural policy and emerging practices in the arts.

Get the full details on Richard's presentations and workshop at the Summit by clicking here.

Lunches, Networking Reception, and Entertainment

Both days of Arts Summit 2015 will feature delicious lunches and Thursday afternoon will conclude with a networking reception. We will enjoy live entertainment at both lunches and the reception, arranged by our friends at Access To Music Foundation


Alliance Member Rate: $175
Non-Member Rate: $245
Student Rate: $55

Registration fees subject to applicable taxes. 


Unable to attend the Summit in person? Sign up to watch the webcast online! Please note that Richard Evans afternoon workshops on Day 2 will not be broadcast. Alliance members access the webcast free of charge (pre-registration required), and the rate for non-members is $25. Click the "Register Now" button above to sign up.

Important: If you intend to view the webcast, please ensure that you register online in advance. Upon verification of your order details you will receive a link and password to access the webcast site. The webcast is viewable on PC or Mac, but is not supported on tablets or other mobile devices. 


Schedule details are now online here. Note that times are subject to change.

Learn More

Learn more about Arts Summit 2015 at

Questions? Contact us at 604.681.3535.


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