Applications Now Accepted For 2015 Chrystal Dance Prize — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Applications Now Accepted For 2015 Chrystal Dance Prize

Dance Victoria’s 2015 Chrystal Dance Prize will award $27,000 to an emerging and/or mid-career independent dance artist. Participation is limited to dance artists living in Western Canada (MB, SK, AB, BC and YT). 

The prize, awarded annually, supports new works by independent dance artists that live in western Canada who are working with a dance artist or artists outside Canada and/or emerging dancers from western Canada who are training at a recognized dance institution outside Canada. The prize can include a two-week residency at Dance Victoria Studios. Supported projects will also be considered for presentation in an upcoming Dance Victoria season. 

Applications and guidelines are now available online at

Submission Deadline: Monday, March 16 at 4:00 pm PST

All applicants will be notified of results by May 1, 2015.


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