Last Chance to Register for Arts Summit 2014! — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Last Chance to Register for Arts Summit 2014!

It's your last chance to register to join the cultural community this Friday, June 20 at the Roundhouse and take part in the work of developing a cultural policy framework for all of British Columbia.

Through a series of Arts Summits beginning in 2009 the Alliance identified a desire, across cultural disciplines and sectors, for a conversation, followed by action, about a comprehensive cultural policy for our province. Last June at Arts Summit 2013 we began that conversation and commenced the ongoing process we are calling BC Creative Convergence. Since then, committee and Community Cultural Roundtable discussions have continued, and we have begun plans for further engagement across BC.

We will return to Arts Summit 2014 with a progress report on the work done so far on a draft policy framework and province-wide consultations. We'll hear from speakers who can help to inform our process, and we will seek to identify topics that require more attention and ways of developing wider community engagement in the year ahead. Please join the conversation. 

Friday, June 20, 2014
The Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Centre
Vancouver, BC 

Learn More and Register Now


Unable to attend in person? We'll be live-streaming the Summit the presentations and report-back sessions. Look for the livestream link on the Arts Summit homepage on June 20. 

Bonus Presentation Exclusive to Arts Summit Registrants & Alliance Members

On Thursday, June 19, Alliance members and registered attendees of the Arts Summit are invited to attend, at no additional charge, a special presentation on diversity in British Columbian arts audiences by Kelly Hill of Hill Strategies Research Inc. The session will be followed by a facilitated discussion. 

The presentation will be held on June 19 from 2:30-4:30 p.m. at The O’Brian Centre for Vancouver Opera at 1945 McLean Drive, Vancouver. 

A networking reception with a cash bar and the Alliance’s Annual General Meeting will follow the presentation. Click here and scroll down to "Bonus Presentation" for more details. 




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